Thursday 4 December 2014

Window on Dutton Locks

A walk by the River Weaver where the waterside cottages always have a certain something photogenic about them. The lock keepers used to live in these when Dutton Locks were built in 1874. The locks were built at a time when Cheshire's thriving salt industry was at its peak and boats transported salt from Northwich to Liverpool, from where they went on to the world.

Taking part in this week's Thursday Challenge topic of "minimal", at the Spun WIth Tears website.


  1. I'm pulled to windows with my camera. Like everything about this one. I'd 'click' too.

  2. Quite a pleasant looking window too.

  3. Love it! The white of the window frame, the red of the bricks and the splashes of green leaves are very pleasing.


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